(Hey! Psst PSST! Here she comes now.)

Oh, you know her, would you look at that hair

Yeah, you know her, check out those shoes

She looks like she stepped out of the middle of somebody's blues

She looks like the Sunday comics

She thinks she's Brenda Starr

Her nose job is real atomic

All she needs is an old knife scar

Yeah, she's so dull, come on rip her to shreds

She's so dull, come on rip her to shreds

Oh, you know her, "Miss Groupie Supreme"

Yeah, you know her, "Vera Vogue" on parade

Red eye shadow! Green mascara!

Yuck! She's too much

She looks like she don't know better

would - olur
mascara - maskara
eating - yemek yiyor
sugar - şeker
green - yeşil
comet - kuyrukluyıldız
extreme - aşırı
expression - ifade
partial - Kısmi
supreme - yüce
dressed - giyinmiş
sunday - Pazar
create - yaratmak
serene - sakin
atomic - atomik
better - Daha iyi
making - yapma
comes - geliyor
parade - geçit töreni
looks - görünüyor
groupie - grubun peşine takılan kız
scene - faliyet alani, sahne
blues - hüzün
shreds - döküntüleri
brenda - brenda
sweater - kazak
acting - oyunculuk
comics - çizgi roman
looking - seyir
minute - dakika
check - kontrol
there - Orada
middle - orta
knife - bıçak
opera - opera
queen - Kraliçe
stepped - basamaklı
nerve - sinir
shadow - gölge
washes - yıkamalar
thinks - düşünüyor
needs - ihtiyaçlar
robert - robert
shoes - ayakkabı
always - Her zaman
vogue - rağbet
those - bu

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