Hear, the knock at the door and you know who is there,
you tell yourself you don't care.
Try, you try to pretend you'll just send him away,
You know it won't end that way
Your heart doesn't stand a chance, your eyes let him know
And your pride doesn't mean a thing
You lost it for him years ago
Hear, the voice at the door and it makes you afraid,
yourself - kendin
would - olur
welling - welling
voice - Ses
there - Orada
stand - durmak
softly - usulca
seems - görünüyor
years - Yıl
remind - hatırlatmak
remember - hatırlamak
really - gerçekten mi
around - etrafında
another - bir diğeri
bring - getirmek
change - değişiklik
often - sık sık
thing - şey
promise - söz vermek
knock - vurmak
chance - şans
again - Tekrar
turning - döndürme
afraid - korkmuş
bringing - getiren
pretend - taklit
closing - kapanış
friend - arkadaş
goodbye - güle güle
dreams - rüyalar
heart - kalp
tears - gözyaşı
pride - gurur
inside - içeride
leaving - ayrılma
drowning - boğulma
makes - markaları
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