My loveless eyes, they look on You

They break the crystal seas so blue

A smile for which my feelings sigh

This pain could teach me how to cry

Your heart once passed so desolate

Must fly at least from ease to hate

So many summer flowers there

So many shadows love could share

Love's image upon earth without it's wings

which - hangi
today - bugün
through - vasitasiyla
there - Orada
teach - öğretmek
without - olmadan
still - yine
sorrow - üzüntü
smile - gülümseme
slowly - yavaşça
sleep - uyku
share - pay
takes - alır
shafts - şaftlar
shadows - gölgeler
passed - geçti
overgrown - azman
earth - toprak
light - ışık
dying - ölen
twilight - alaca karanlık
break - kırılma
beautyful - beautyful
scattered - dağınık
enliven - canlandırmak
feelings - duygular
flakes - gevreği
least - en az
circle - daire
branches - dalları
walked - yürüdü
crystal - kristal
flowers - çiçekler
thoughts - düşünceler
flows - akar
wings - kanatlar
summer - Yaz
desolate - ıssız
found - bulunan
could - could
grasped - kavradı
image - görüntü
memory - Bellek
heart - kalp
loveless - sevgisiz

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