I seek for You, take my leave, so fare You well

I lost all hopes, truth may come to light and die

And for my love I pray You, wrong me not

Let us all ring fancy's bell, ding, dong, bell!

Such as I am now for myself alone

My eyes still look, look as swift as Yours

I pray You cure my mind that's drenched with blood

A dancing heart, but not for joy

No power in the tongue of man

yourself - kendin
wrong - Yanlış
world - Dünya
truth - hakikat
tongue - dil
thorns - dikenler
stopped - durduruldu
steps - adımlar
stand - durmak
shall - -acak
remember - hatırlamak
sorrow - üzüntü
deeds - işler
crushing - ezme
still - yine
might - belki
borrow - ödünç almak
light - ışık
alone - yalnız
yours - seninki
swift - hızlı
power - Güç
leave - ayrılmak
desire - arzu etmek
behind - arkasında
bleed - kanamak
drenched - sırılsıklam
blood - kan
greed - hırs
night - gece
heart - kalp
higher - daha yüksek
favour - iyilik
never - asla
hopes - umutlar
serve - servis
dancing - dans
myself - kendim
obeyed - itaat

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