lookin' like first class acting like a cheap date honey drippin' smile so

stylin' bet you know what you do don't you baby

eyes that penetrate

heat that denigrates lust communicates i can hardly wait to get to you and

show you baby

if you want to i can be dirty too i can spin you around pick you up and go

down if you want to i can be just like you and do the dirty things you do.

walk into a room imperceptible boom tight shot close zoom when you move it's

assumed you feel it too don't you baby tickin' like a fuse there's an itch i

gotta scratch ten minutes in a room get this monkey off my back any dark

where - nerede
wanna - istiyorum
super - süper
space - uzay
scratch - çizik
never - asla
minutes - dakika
intergalactic - galaksiler arası
imperceptible - desorganizar
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
honey - bal
hardly - zorlukla
bombastic -
black - siyah
brain - Beyin
scorpio - akrep burcu
movie - film
censor - sansürcü
commercial - Ticari
again - Tekrar
acting - oyunculuk
blinds - panjur
assumed - varsayılır
tight - sıkı
first - ilk
break - kırılma
communicates - iletişim kurduğu
monkey - maymun
kicks - tekmeler
cheap - ucuz
around - etrafında
class - sınıf
smile - gülümseme
inside - içeride
close - kapat
could - could
would - olur
penetrate - nüfuz etmek
block - blok
better - Daha iyi
dirty - kirli
compatible - uyumlu
gotta - lazım

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