Dressed in rags
You're scoopin' litter from the cats
I thought we had someone for that
But by the looks of things you fired the maid again
Yeah I confess
I know that floor won't clean itself
And you're worried half to death
About the things that just won't matter in the end
Take off those shoes
Looks like you could really use a glass slipper
Yeah I know it's been a pisser
So one strong sipper might suffice
Come on girl, I'm beggin' please
Get off your knees, I got the keys
And I'll pick you up at midnight
In my souped-up pumpkin ride
'Cause you're my Cinderella
We're two birds of a feather
I'll even sing to you acapella
You're so hella good looking tonight
My Cinderella
Whenever you need some shelter
We can stand under my umbrella
Need no fortune teller to say it's forever with you
Oh, I know it's forever with you
Don't watch the clock,
I paid some dude to make it stop
wrote - yazdı
watch - izlemek
wanna - istiyorum
under - altında
truth - hakikat
tomorrow - Yarın
until - a kadar
together - Birlikte
thought - düşünce
those - bu
things - eşyalar
there - Orada
teller - veznedar
still - yine
stars - yıldızlar
squint - şaşı
souped - souped
sorrow - üzüntü
someone - Birisi
slipper - terlik
enough - yeterli
yellow - sarı
stretch - germek
floor - Zemin
hella - שלום
looking - seyir
strong - Güçlü
forever - sonsuza dek
fella - adam
feather - kuş tüyü
cinderella - kül kedisi
about - hakkında
whenever - her ne zaman
dressed - giyinmiş
stand - durmak
breath - nefes
worry - endişelenmek
death - ölüm
worried - endişeli
gotta - lazım
kinda - tür
number - numara
again - Tekrar
might - belki
umbrella - şemsiye
shelter - barınak
suffice - yeterli
confess - itiraf etmek
cause - sebeb olmak
could - could
looks - görünüyor
spell - büyü
pumpkin - kabak
birds - kuşlar
litter - çöp
fairy - peri
certain - belli
clean - temiz
tonight - Bu gece
clock - saat
matter - madde
fired - ateş
fortune - servet
little - küçük
check - kontrol
itself - kendisi
glass - bardak
knees - dizler
please - lütfen
midnight - gece yarısı
picked - seçilmiş
scratched - çizik
maybe - olabilir
pisser - öfkeli!
really - gerçekten mi
reminds - hatırlatır
shoes - ayakkabı
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