If I could open my arms

And span the length of the isle of Manhattan,

I'd bring it to where you are

Making a lake of the East River and Hudson

If I could open my mouth

Wide enough for a marching band to march out

They would make your name sing

And bend through alleys and bounce off all the buildings.

while - süre
through - vasitasiyla
there - Orada
sorrow - üzüntü
sound - ses
shines - parlar
pinhole - iğne deliği
rises - yükselir
never - asla
mouth - ağız
march - mart
manhattan - Manhattan
making - yapma
light - ışık
marching - yürüyen
length - uzunluk
hudson - hudson
would - olur
bounce - sıçrama
buildings - binalar
drips - damlar
gonna - olacak
bring - getirmek
river - Nehir
faucet - musluk
beautiful - güzel
alleys - sokaklar
slowly - yavaşça
aware - farkında
comfort - konfor
directions - yol tarifi
leaks - sızıntı
drown - boğmak
could - could
where - nerede
debate - tartışma
around - etrafında
curtains - perdeler
heart - kalp
again - Tekrar
hermit - keşiş
empty - Boş
blinds - panjur
enough - yeterli

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