Like a tree bare of leaves
Down on my knees
Unwilling to please
Wrong side of the track
Stabbed in the back
Just mending the cracks
Then you came down my way
And all the things you'd say were amazing
And the world disappeared
All the clouds and the rain
I could hardly explain how I felt
When the world disappeared
And eternal spring was growing within
world - Dünya
within - içinde
whisper - fısıltı
unwilling - isteksiz
unfound - hergün
track - iz
thrill - heyecan
suicide - intihar
spring - bahar
sound - ses
sorrow - üzüntü
please - lütfen
dress - elbise
absence - yokluk
stabbed - bıçaklandı
flame - alev
disappeared - kayboldu
confess - itiraf etmek
cracks - çatlaklar
amazing - şaşırtıcı
hardly - zorlukla
letting - icar
while - süre
perfumed - parfümlü
could - could
potential - Potansiyel
clouds - bulutlar
nailed - çivilenmiş
aware - farkında
explain - açıklamak
wrong - Yanlış
eternal - sonsuz
flowers - çiçekler
things - eşyalar
ground - Zemin
pouring - dökme
growing - büyüyen
knees - dizler
leaves - yapraklar
mending - tamir
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