Cotton candy, two for a quarter
See if the fat man can guess your weight
A big stuffed tiger is what I bought her
And I'm going home 'cause it's late
Roller coasters make me dizzy
And cotton candy makes me sick
I wish I had some Bromo fizzy
Now that would do the trick
Everyone knows that the clowns aren't happy
And everyone knows that the people don't care
I wish I could laugh at the way that they're acting
But I'm so sick, I just don't dare to
High wire dancers kick and balance
White silk horses step in time
would - olur
tight - sıkı
three - üç
their - onların
talents - yetenekleri
sunday - Pazar
displays - görüntüler
clubs - kulüpleri
leave - ayrılmak
clowns - palyaçolar
dancers - dansçılar
around - etrafında
elvira - elvira
could - could
bought - satın
talented - yetenekli
people - insanlar
trick - hile
always - Her zaman
makes - markaları
quarter - çeyrek
dizzy - sersemlemiş
happy - mutlu
nervous - Sinir
candy - şeker
collared - yakalı
tattooed - dövmeli
circus - sirk
bromo - bromo
roller - rulman
guess - tahmin
lifetime - ömür
weight - ağırlık
fizzy - köpüren
caught - yakalandı
acting - oyunculuk
bushy - gür
cotton - pamuk
buildings - binalar
everyone - Herkes
other - diğer
stuffed - dolma
carousel - atlıkarınca
everybody - Herkes
balance - denge
horses - atlar
families - aileleri
laugh - gülmek
tiger - kaplan
going - gidiş
grease - gres
there - Orada
juggling - hokkabazlık
coasters - bardak altlıkları
knows - bilir
laughs - gülüyor
monday - Pazartesi
white - beyaz
smiles - gülümsüyor
morning - sabah
paint - boya
plastic - plastik
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