There is no time to discuss or debate

what is right, what is wrong for our people.

Time has run out for all those who wait

with bent limbs and minds that are feeble.

And the rain falls and blows through their window

and the snow falls and blows through their door.

And the seasons revolve mid their sounds of starvation.

When the tides rise, they cover the floor.

They come from the north and they come from the south

and they come from the hills and the valleys.

And they're migrants and farmers and miners and humans,

our census neglected to tally.

And the rain falls and blows through their window

and the rain falls and it blows through their door.

And the seasons revolve mid their sounds of starvation.

When the tides rise, they cover the floor.

window - pencere
weather - hava
white - beyaz
wealth - servet
valleys - vadiler
tombs - Mezarlar
young - genç
tides - gelgit
there - Orada
while - süre
those - bu
their - onların
stand - durmak
through - vasitasiyla
sounds - sesleri
stamps - pullar
sores - yaralar
shoes - ayakkabı
shacks - klübeler
wrong - Yanlış
rotting - çürüyen
right - Sağ
treated - işlenmiş
revolve - dönmek
pools - havuzlarda
poisonous - zehirli
plight - vâât
nursery - kreş
falls - düşme
dying - ölen
drifts - sürükleniyor
rooms - odalar
limbs - uzuvlar
thriving - gelişen
health - sağlık
degradation - bozulma
cover - kapak
diseased - hastalıklı
south - güney
roaches - hamam böcekleri
lines - hatlar
decaying - çürüyen
farmers - çiftçiler
rickets - raşitizm
neglected - bakımsız
tramps - serseri
prosperous - refah
corpses - cesetler
disowned - sahip çıkmadı
north - kuzeyinde
starvation - açlık
blows - darbeler
orphans - kimsesiz çocuklar
crying - ağlayan
seasons - mevsimler
looks - görünüyor
americans - Amerikalı
caucasian - kafkas
people - insanlar
african - Afrika
feeble - cılız
america - Amerika
bread - ekmek
inside - içeride
hands - eller
infested - istila edilen
debate - tartışma
census - sayım
miners - madencilerin
adequate - Yeterli
child - çocuk
hills - tepeler
hopeless - umutsuz
breathing - nefes
floods - sel
hungry - aç
mexican - meksikalı
tally - çetele
minds - zihinler
floor - Zemin
indian - hintli
humans - insanlar
discuss - tartışmak
night - gece
playing - oynama
migrants - göçmenler
nation - ulus

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