Awake in a slumbering world

As structures outside cave in

So harbor us, sweet sorrow

This lonely, exquisite hollow

Oh, mother on conscious dark sails...

In your theatre of sirens, hear us!

They see us weeping the newborn horizon

We are here split to two,

With love and defiance

From the distance they came,

world - Dünya
weeping - Ağlayan
trapped - hapsolmuş
tongues - dilleri
tales - hikayeleri
sweet - tatlı
structures - yapıları
speck - benek
sorrow - üzüntü
slumbering - uyuyan
sirens - Sirenler
distance - mesafe
theatre - tiyatro
parasite - parazit
exquisite - nefis
awake - uyanık
covered - kapalı
aired - yayınlanan
conscious - bilinçli
flesh - et
which - hangi
cosmic - kozmik
defiance - nispet
death - ölüm
harbor - liman
hollow - oyuk
lifeless - cansız
spirit - ruh
horizon - ufuk
mother - anne
lonely - yalnız
newborn - yeni doğan
split - Bölünmüş
ocean - okyanus
sails - yelkenler
outside - dışında
shaped - biçimli

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