You want something out of nothing, you want blood from a stone

To banish all your enemies and wish them safely home

Some would say insanity or crazy, better still

Cut off your nose to spite your face, for life you've lost all will

Now you've mingled with your demons and depression's your excuse

But your lack of conscious effort is a bourbon triple proof

You've expelled the for your lobby but they lurk behind the door

It's a noose of your own making and it's rotten to the core

Are you too afraid of living to make a man's mistakes?

yearn - özlemek
would - olur
truth - hakikat
enemies - düşmanları
crazy - çılgın
bourbon - burbon
expelled - sınırdışı
chair - sandalye
climb - tırmanış
demons - iblisler
conscious - bilinçli
effort - çaba
accounts - hesapları
safely - güvenli bir şekilde
stone - taş
banish - kovmak
barrel - varil
breath - nefes
great - harika
knowing - bilme
behind - arkasında
making - yapma
better - Daha iyi
another - bir diğeri
blood - kan
still - yine
excuse - bahane
triple - üçlü
commit - işlemek
mistakes - hatalar
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
final - nihai
wanna - istiyorum
insanity - delilik
lobby - lobi
living - yaşam
dying - ölen
spite - nispet
takes - alır
mingled - karışmış
afraid - korkmuş
never - asla
something - bir şey
noose - ilmik
fever - ateş
proof - kanıt
again - Tekrar
rotten - çürük
ruined - harap
silence - sessizlik

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