Banging on my tambourine,

I didn't think i'd make a scene

Until everyone joined in the chase,

I never meant to make you cry,

My head was floating in the sky,

And nothing looked to be out of place

I've got my head like a cello,

Melancholy bows,

If it goes, keep it mellow, baby,

Should I pay attention to the alarm,

The sirens going off in a police car

I forget, I forget to be cool, cool, cool

writing - yazı
until - a kadar
tambourine - tef
think - düşünmek
sirens - Sirenler
wrong - Yanlış
plinky - plinky
place - yer
plonk - çarpmak
chase - kovalamak
should - meli
pencil - kalem
blunt - kör
could - could
thought - düşünce
cello - çello
banging - beceriyor
steady - istikrarlı
everyone - Herkes
joined - katıldı
meant - demek
scene - faliyet alani, sahne
along - uzun bir
attention - dikkat
arrested - tutuklandı
floating - yüzer
forget - unutmak
going - gidiş
melancholy - melankoli
police - Polis
mellow - yumuşak
bolder - cesur
looked - baktı
losing - kaybetme
wanted - aranan
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
piano - piyano
alarm - Alarm
never - asla

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