When all hope is gone
Our world will fall to pieces
Visions are defeated and beaten
All our dreams will come to an end
Cannot pretend
Another chance for this dominion
A rose reborn through new opinions
Show progress with firm deeds
Fulfill our wishes and needs
A sovereign came forth from ashes
A savior who would lead the masses
Entrance us with wise words
And shine your light upon us
Show progress with firm deeds
Grant us our wishes
Can you save us now our world will end
Crave us now 'cause no one's daring
Liberate the promised land
The tables will be turning
The time has come to free ourselves
Can't you banish your illusion now?
Another chance, a prophecy told
A bliss arose, the sound of new hope
Entrance us with wise words
would - olur
words - kelimeler
wishes - dilek
visions - vizyonlar
there - Orada
turning - döndürme
target - Hedef
tables - [object Object]
sound - ses
retribution - ceza
world - Dünya
sense - duyu
relapse - nüks
dominion - hakimiyet
deeds - işler
entrance - Giriş
another - bir diğeri
banish - kovmak
chance - şans
arose - ortaya çıkan
through - vasitasiyla
dreams - rüyalar
reprobate - ayıplamak
beware - dikkat
fulfill - yerine getirmek
defeated - mağlup
pretend - taklit
snake - yılan
crave - yalvarmak
ashes - küller
waive - vazgeçmek
emancipate - soyutlamak
beaten - dövülmüş
across - karşısında
cannot - yapamam
facts - gerçekler
conspire - anlaşmak
grant - hibe
daring - cesur
prepared - hazırlanmış
enemies - düşmanları
reborn - yeniden doğmak
bliss - mutluluk
expire - sona ermek
savior - kurtarıcı
promise - söz vermek
field - alan
fierce - sert
sovereign - egemen
prophecy - kehanet
progress - ilerleme
ourselves - Kendimizi
illusion - yanılsama
liberate - kurtarmak
peace - barış
light - ışık
forth - ileri
masses - kitleler
needs - ihtiyaçlar
shine - parlaklık
opinions - görüşler
pieces - parçalar
dropped - düştü
promised - söz
caring - sempatik
provoked - provoke
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