So many years ago the people on this earth
They were laughin'
They didn't think of anything else
Than love and peace
But generations failed to see
That they were causin'
Trouble for the future
They didn't know that one single war
Would continue to increase
But I'll be beside you
Cause I want to hide you
would - olur
trouble - sorun
touch - dokunma
think - düşünmek
spread - yayilmiş
drive - sürücü
survive - hayatta kalmak
cover - kapak
alarm - Alarm
people - insanlar
pretend - taklit
continue - devam et
years - Yıl
where - nerede
earth - toprak
cause - sebeb olmak
future - gelecek
destroyed - yerlebir edilmiş
another - bir diğeri
beside - yanında
tomorrow - Yarın
failed - başarısız oldu
forever - sonsuza dek
single - Tek
generations - nesiller
peace - barış
anything - her şey
holocaust - soykırım
world - Dünya
increase - artırmak
insane - deli
maybe - olabilir
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