Mic check, yo, man, fuck you

I got some coke in my sock and a couple rocks too

I got a bottle full of Kettle, drunk, pedal to the metal

Got some beef, I gotta settle, but you gotta check the dentals, oh

They don't like me? I make the music I want to

These divas fucking need us, man, worse than their heartbeat

They're digging up my grave, but these bitches gotta pay

And the price of admission, it ain't ever gonna change

It'll end when I say it 'cause you're wet when I spray it

And the more you fucking hate us, well, the more you'll fucking play it, bitch

I'm crossing out names

And no one is safe

I'll leave a rose on your grave

It's the dove and grenade

I'm absent mentally, slaughtering all my enemies

I'm murdering recklessly, bitch, these streets ain't no Sesame

And now you're maxing my felony list, I'm not wasting energy on this

I'm gonna win, let's be honest, that's something I'll fucking promise

their - onların
spotless - lekesiz
sesame - susam
rocks - kayaçlar
recklessly - dikkatsizce
price - fiyat
something - bir şey
pompous - şatafatlı
exhausted - yorgun
felony - suç
energy - enerji
mentally - zihinsel olarak
enemies - düşmanları
crossing - geçit
godless - dinsiz
bottle - şişe
nauseous - mide bulandırıcı
congress - kongre
honest - Dürüst
bitches - orospular
bitch - orospu
settle - yerleşmek
check - kontrol
admission - kabul
slaughtering - kesim
divas - divaların
charges - ücretleri
place - yer
office - ofis
regardless - ne olursa olsun
champion - şampiyon
change - değişiklik
fight - kavga
conscience - vicdan
couple - çift
gonna - olacak
compare - karşılaştırmak
fucking - kahrolası
wasting - israf
streets - sokaklar
digging - kazma
absent - yok
glory - şan
spray - sprey
kettle - su ısıtıcısı
novices - acemiler
these - bunlar
pedal - pedal
gotta - lazım
grave - mezar
worse - daha da kötüsü
grenade - el bombası
drunk - sarhoş
heart - kalp
heartbeat - kalp atışı
heartless - kalpsiz
leave - ayrılmak
making - yapma
maxing - maxing
metal - metal
murdering - katil
music - müzik
promise - söz vermek
names - isimler

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