Everybody, they think they know us,

They think they've got us figured out,

Waste their words just trying to tell us,

How the typical, predictable, young love turns out

But little do they know girl, we've got a fast car

A James Dean spirit and a Norma Jean heart.

This blank sheet of paper has been waiting forever,

So baby just tell me where you wanna start

You and I can fall as hard as we want

Make the story all our own and blow Shakespeare’s mind,

It's ours to write, it's our love and it’s our life

And right or wrong, we'll write our own storyline

We can pack for Paris, plan for Tennessee,

young - genç
would - olur
world - Dünya
works - eserleri
oceans - okyanuslar
mountains - dağlar
lives - hayatları
little - küçük
thinks - düşünüyor
wrong - Yanlış
kissing - öpüşmek
cares - bakımları
break - kırılma
james - james
start - başlama
crazy - çılgın
typical - tipik
norma - norma
trying - çalışıyor
paper - kâğıt
predictable - tahmin edilebilir
praying - dua eden
forever - sonsuza dek
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
thing - şey
about - hakkında
everybody - Herkes
public - halka açık
right - Sağ
heart - kalp
moment - an
rules - kurallar
running - koşu
shakespeare - Shakespeare
paris - Paris
sheet - tabaka
write - yazmak
spirit - ruh
words - kelimeler
story - öykü
turns - dönüşler
storyline - hikayesi
tennessee - tennessee
figured - anladım
think - düşünmek
waiting - bekleme
wanna - istiyorum
waste - atık
their - onların
whatever - her neyse
blank - boş
where - nerede

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