I'm a teenage beauty queen of sorts
Calculated, cold, without remorse
We can go to town, we can mess around, we can do anything
Disseminate disease, doing anything that we please
Only if you like me too
I could fall in love with you
Only if you like me too
Fall in love
without - olmadan
teenage - genç
disease - hastalık
trash - çöp
beauty - güzellik
pretty - güzel
sorts - sıralar
please - lütfen
charming - büyüleyici
anything - her şey
beautiful - güzel
could - could
disseminate - yaymak
doing - iş
darling - sevgilim
never - asla
circumvent - atlatmak
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
calculated - hesaplanmış
remorse - vicdan azabı
quarantine - karantina
queen - Kraliçe
shake - sallamak
around - etrafında
tambourine - tef
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