Oh, come and see the opening band
Now that you've got your tickets
and beverages in hand
They look so tired, sound uninspired
guitars are secondhand
'Cause no one likes an opening band
Nobody likes the opening band
Their set time's far too early
And I've never heard of them
uninspired - yavan
unfamiliar - yabancı
tired - yorgun
tickets - biletler
gives - verir
except - dışında
early - Erken
sound - ses
things - eşyalar
chances - şansı
opening - Açılış
nervous - Sinir
bands - bantları
chance - şans
nobody - kimse
guitars - gitarlar
beverages - içkiler
career - kariyer
heard - duymuş
likes - seviyor
little - küçük
never - asla
purpose - amaç
their - onların
secondhand - ikinci el
singing - şan
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