Gently as we go, gently as we go

Steady as we go, steady as we go

I can sense in opening the front door as we came in

You were burning a hole in my back

Can we turn this around from where we lost you in the evening

Before things get out of hand

One by one eyes go optic, we’re becoming the beast

Shear power and the heat of hate

brings our army of two to its knees

Steel lungs are shouting the house down,

going for the kill from the kiss

Battle stations are now navigation, have we driven love to this?

Gently as we go, gently as we go

Steady as we go, steady as we go

where - nerede
waste - atık
touch - dokunma
going - gidiş
becoming - olma
evening - akşam
energy - enerji
point - puan
gently - nazikçe
driven - tahrik
return - dönüş
steel - çelik
burning - yanan
front - Ön
fired - ateş
around - etrafında
finally - en sonunda
battle - savaş
before - önce
beast - canavar
anything - her şey
hardens - sertlesir
building - Bina
death - ölüm
ourselves - Kendimizi
getting - alma
better - Daha iyi
shouting - haykırış
brings - getiriyor
bridges - köprü
house - ev
little - küçük
lungs - akciğer
steady - istikrarlı
shear - makaslama
opening - Açılış
sheer - sırf
messier - messier
navigation - navigasyon
screaming - bağıran
optic - optik
power - Güç
sense - duyu
sleep - uyku
knees - dizler
stations - istasyonlar
still - yine
things - eşyalar
think - düşünmek

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