It's hell in the morning to look at you lying in my bed
Another morning after you know I'm wishing you were dead
Maybe hit by a truck, rammed by a train
You must be crazy 'cause you're driving me insane
I'm just like a devil
You're just like a witch
You only like me because I scratch your itch
I'm too much a bastard, you just llike to bitch
I'm just like a devil, you're my witch
I drag my ass into work, I hate my job, you know my boss is gay
You wonder why I save my dough
wonder - merak etmek
still - yine
smell - koku
should - meli
sharp - Keskin
witch - cadı
scratch - çizik
remains - kalıntılar
dough - hamur
crazy - çılgın
rammed - rammed
lying - yalan söyleme
broom - süpürge
driving - sürme
devil - şeytan
wishing - isteyen
truck - kamyon
filling - dolgu
after - sonra
bitch - orospu
licking - yalama
another - bir diğeri
because - Çünkü
bastard - piç
finger - parmak
horns - boynuzları
train - Tren
lower - alt
insane - deli
midnight - gece yarısı
maybe - olabilir
quick - hızlı
morning - sabah
raise - yükseltmek
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