[Verse 1]

Well if the wind is her breath then the sun is her glare.

It’s hot and it’s piercing and it burns when you stare.

She gives me shivers and keeps me warm in a daze.

waves - dalgalar
gives - verir
fades - sönüyor
again - Tekrar
somewhere - bir yerde
stare - bakıyorum
constantly - sürekli
chorus - koro
breath - nefes
swimmers - yüzücüler
burns - yanıklar
crush - ezme
beware - dikkat
glare - parıltı
night - gece
piercing - delici
distant - uzak
there - Orada
shivers - heyecan
tears - gözyaşı
understand - anlama
keeps - tutar
verse - ayet

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