[Verse 1]

There’s a place I like to go

where the fast songs meet the slow.

And people come from miles around

just to hear an old guitar sound

Call your friends and I’ll call mine.

We’ll have ourselves a country time.

Get there early and have a few drinks,

loosen up step out on the dance floor

verse - ayet
think - düşünmek
stepping - adım
sound - ses
songs - şarkılar
right - Sağ
rhythm - ritim
start - başlama
repeat - tekrar et
pretty - güzel
chorus - koro
there - Orada
announce - duyurmak
where - nerede
loosen - gevşetmek
miles - mil
cotton - pamuk
floor - Zemin
dance - dans
begin - başla
anymore - Artık
drinks - içecekler
around - etrafında
night - gece
place - yer
early - Erken
country - ülke
lights - ışıklar
friends - arkadaşlar
guitar - gitar
might - belki
dancing - dans
ourselves - Kendimizi
people - insanlar

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