[Verse 1]

Trust is a funny thing,

never know what it can bring,

but it sure can cause you pain.

I’ve been hurt a time or two,

baby I know so have you

so lets put the past away.


And give this everything we’ve got

verse - ayet
trust - güven
maybe - olabilir
could - could
should - meli
never - asla
nobody - kimse
agree - anlaşmak
chance - şans
thing - şey
wrong - Yanlış
disagree - katılmıyorum
chorus - koro
everything - her şey
bring - getirmek
right - Sağ
funny - komik
cause - sebeb olmak
guard - bekçi
heart - kalp
there - Orada
important - önemli
night - gece
again - Tekrar
still - yine

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