Triumph through tragedy.

Every decision, every choice that we make

All it takes is just one victory or

just one simple mistake

To change the course.

Count the loss.

Determine the road that we must take

The road that we create

Strength through the determined

Can’t you see that triumphs through tragedy?

victory - zafer
through - vasitasiyla
there - Orada
takes - alır
tragedy - trajedi
simple - Basit
reason - neden
persevere - azmetmek
conclusion - Sonuç
choice - seçim
change - değişiklik
purpose - amaç
never - asla
break - kırılma
triumph - zafer
cause - sebeb olmak
begins - başlar
believe - inanmak
balance - denge
bleed - kanamak
illusion - yanılsama
count - saymak
despair - umutsuzluk
strength - kuvvet
determine - belirlemek
walls - Duvarlar
course - kurs
decision - Karar
hopelessness - umutsuzluk
closing - kapanış
mistake - hata
triumphs - zafer
create - yaratmak
determined - belirlenen
every - proszę uważać

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