I can remenber the horses of the pasture

misty mornings and cool of the evenings.

I can remember when the wind whistles

in the corners of the house.

I can feel the fear of the dark

when shaking under

my little bed trying to squeeze

the pillow to my safety

whistles - ıslık
trying - çalışıyor
taste - damak zevki
shaking - sallama
riding - binme
under - altında
misty - sisli
flying - uçan
hills - tepeler
remember - hatırlamak
again - Tekrar
blood - kan
dreams - rüyalar
unforgettable - unutulmaz
childhood - çocukluk
squeeze - sıkmak
smell - koku
corners - köşeleri
horses - atlar
memories - hatıralar
grain - tahıl
evenings - akşamları
night - gece
house - ev
mouth - ağız
could - could
little - küçük
mornings - sabahları
fields - alanlar
pasture - otlak
safety - emniyet
pillow - yastık

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