I was so close to the edge I was falling down

You come and turn it around

And let me see again

Let me see you again

Caught in the eye of the storm I was sure I'd drown

But you made me reach deep down

Assured of the strength I'd found

The strength I'd found, yeah


Mighty rivers run right through me

I find them if I dive in too deep

In the shadows swim with daydreams

As far away as they can take me, oh

words - kelimeler
wanted - aranan
would - olur
understand - anlama
thunder - gök gürültüsü
through - vasitasiyla
thought - düşünce
terrified - korkmuş
struck - vurdu
shadows - gölgeler
scared - korkmuş
rivers - Nehirler
right - Sağ
there - Orada
reach - ulaşmak
certain - belli
drown - boğmak
survive - hayatta kalmak
caught - yakalandı
assured - emin
falling - düşen
changed - değişmiş
awake - uyanık
rolling - yuvarlanan
again - Tekrar
afraid - korkmuş
about - hakkında
around - etrafında
strength - kuvvet
night - gece
burst - patlamak
chorus - koro
repeat - tekrar et
inside - içeride
close - kapat
truth - hakikat
fantasy - fantezi
daydreams - daydreams
feels - hissediyor
found - bulunan
lying - yalan söyleme
storm - fırtına
mighty - güçlü

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