He lives inside my mouth

and tells me what to say

when he turns the trains on

he makes it go away

the hands are cracked and dirty and

the nails are beetle wings

when he turns the trains on

he unties all of the strings

[The worm:]

tell me something beautiful,

tell me something free,

tell me something beautiful

and I wish that I could be

(Then I got my wings and I never even knew it,

when I was a worm,thought I couldn't get through it)

[Jack (not spoken):]

wings - kanatlar
watered - sulanan
knees - dizler
himself - kendisi
through - vasitasiyla
kneel - diz çökmek
beautiful - güzel
hands - eller
inauguration - açılış
three - üç
turning - döndürme
makes - markaları
disintegrator - anner
become - olmak
because - Çünkü
turns - dönüşler
children - çocuklar
beetle - böcek
dirty - kirli
leather - deri
could - could
lives - hayatları
spoken - konuşulmuş
holes - delikler
heard - duymuş
black - siyah
metal - metal
swollen - şişmiş
mouth - ağız
nails - çiviler
voice - Ses
ourselves - Kendimizi
never - asla
strongest - en güçlü
should - meli
strings - dizeleri
showing - gösterme
broomsticks - süpürgeler
smell - koku
inside - içeride
something - bir şey
taste - damak zevki
cracked - çatlamış
there - Orada
tells - anlatır
thought - düşünce
today - bugün
trains - trenler

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