I was looking at the t.v. news

People everywhere blowing a fuse

People everywhere under the gun

Little kids dying never had no fun

Human beings ain't got no brains

Think you're better but you're all the same

Think you're clever but you're all to blame

Here we are again in the same old frame

Shut up, I'm talkin'to you

It's on television so it can't be true

And I can't play the game no more

Wake up and see it through

Kill the many to save the few

I know what the blind man sees

On your feet or on your knees

Headline terror crime on rise

Half ain't true and the rest is lies

Same old smile on the same old face

written - yazılı
under - altında
trash - çöp
clever - zeki
brains - beyin
headline - başlık
frame - çerçeve
coming - gelecek
enough - yeterli
smart - akıllı
better - Daha iyi
horse - at
worth - değer
listen - dinlemek
dying - ölen
bribe - Rüşvet
believe - inanmak
crime - suç
values - değerler
attention - dikkat
beings - varlıklar
heart - kalp
proud - gururlu
blowing - üfleme
blind - kör
again - Tekrar
gonna - olacak
relax - rahatlayın
break - kırılma
human - insan
terror - terör
knees - dizler
light - ışık
watch - izlemek
something - bir şey
think - düşünmek
people - insanlar
stuff - şey
looking - seyir
humans - insanlar
magazine - dergi
never - asla
outside - dışında
blame - suçlama
reading - okuma
through - vasitasiyla
little - küçük
rights - haklar
smile - gülümseme
somebody - birisi
television - televizyon
everywhere - her yerde
their - onların

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