What are you going to do now

Out in the lonely times

How will you ever get through now

Remembering all of your crimes

What will you do, what will you do, who do you think would attempt a rescue

Dreaming, screaming, knocked right out of your shoes

Who would you blame, who could you sue

If the sky came looking for you

How are you gonna live now

would - olur
wonder - merak etmek
whatever - her neyse
through - vasitasiyla
turns - dönüşler
story - öykü
think - düşünmek
shoes - ayakkabı
screaming - bağıran
rescue - kurtarmak
weaving - dokuma
right - Sağ
remembering - anımsama
could - could
comes - geliyor
dreaming - rüya görmek
attempt - girişim
fields - alanlar
insane - deli
without - olmadan
might - belki
blame - suçlama
bound - ciltli
trying - çalışıyor
dogging - dogging
bring - getirmek
glory - şan
times - zamanlar
lonely - yalnız
gonna - olacak
going - gidiş
looks - görünüyor
running - koşu
jumping - atlama
knocked - çaldı
praying - dua eden
looking - seyir
crimes - suçları
nerves - sinirler

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