The fires continued through the night
The kid with a bat face appeared at the window then disappeared into the headlights
I was halfway to the pacific coast
I had left you in your longing and your yearning like a ghost
There's little room for wonder now, and little room for wildness too
We crawl into our wounds
I'm nearly all the way to Malibu
I'm gonna buy me a house up in the hills
With a tear-shaped pool and a gun that kills
Cause they say there is a cougar that roams these parts
With a terrible engine of wrath for a heart
That she is white and rare and full of all kinds of harm
And stalks the perimeter all day long
But at night lays trembling in my arms
And I'm just waiting now, for my time to come
And I'm just waiting now, for my time to come
And I'm just waiting now, for my place in the sun
And I'm just waiting now, for peace to come
And I'm just waiting now, for my time to come
And I'm just waiting now, for my time to come
And we hide in our wounds and I'm nearly all the way to Malibu
And I know my time will come one day soon
I'm waiting for peace to come
And I'm nearly all the way to Malibu
wounds - yaralar
white - beyaz
walked - yürüdü
waiting - bekleme
villages - köyler
villagers - Köylüler
village - köy
these - bunlar
their - onların
stalks - Sapları
square - kare
spade - kürek
somewhere - bir yerde
somebody - birisi
sleeping - uyuyor
roams - Roams
where - nerede
quick - hızlı
place - yer
peace - barış
parts - parçalar
pacific - pasifik
night - gece
never - asla
nearly - neredeyse
mustard - hardal
malibu - malibu
losing - kaybetme
longing - özlem
begins - başlar
wrath - gazap
crawl - yavaş ilerleme
always - Her zaman
collected - toplanmış
cause - sebeb olmak
cried - ağladım
continued - devam etti
collect - toplamak
climbs - tırmanıyor
carry - taşımak
fires - Yangınlar
creatures - yaratıklar
drops - damla
child - çocuk
darling - sevgilim
terrible - korkunç
kills - öldürür
animals - hayvanlar
window - pencere
appeared - ortaya çıktı
kinds - çeşit
standing - ayakta
someone - Birisi
sicker - sicker
forest - orman
shaped - biçimli
beaches - sahiller
buried - gömülü
greatest - en büyük
ghost - hayalet
there - Orada
bucket - kova
wonder - merak etmek
better - Daha iyi
getting - alma
trembling - titreyen
mountain - dağ
buddha - Buda
shore - kıyı
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
hills - tepeler
disappeared - kayboldu
house - ev
heart - kalp
everyone - Herkes
hugged - sarıldı
engine - motor
gonna - olacak
wildness - vahşilik
perimeter - çevre
heads - kafalar
everybody - Herkes
shake - sallamak
halfway - yarım
yearning - hasret
cougar - puma
headlights - farlar
through - vasitasiyla
coast - sahil
dreams - rüyalar
little - küçük
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