I lay in the forest amongst the butterflies and the fireflies and the burning horses and the flaming trees, as a spiral of children climb up to the sun, waving goodbye to you and goodbye to me as the past pulls away and the future begins, I say goodbye to all that as the future rolls in, like a wave, like a wave, and the past with its savage undertow, lets go.
Come on everyone, come on everyone
A spiral of children climbs up to the sun
To the sun, to the sun, and on each golden rung
A spiral of children climbs up to the sun
And a man called Jesus, he promised he would leave us with a word that would light up the night, oh the night, but the stars hang from threads and blink off one by one and it isn’t any fun no it isn’t any fun to be standing here alone with nowhere to be with a man mad with grief and on each side a thief and everybody hanging from a tree, from a tree, and everybody hanging from a tree.
Come on everyone, come on everyone
within - içinde
waving - sallama
undertow - ters yönlü dip akıntısı
threads - ipler
thief - hırsız
there - Orada
fields - alanlar
pulls - çeker
everybody - Herkes
butterflies - kelebekler
horses - atlar
screaming - bağıran
climbs - tırmanıyor
called - denilen
valuable - değerli
beauty - güzellik
children - çocuklar
amongst - arasında
forest - orman
standing - ayakta
future - gelecek
leaves - yapraklar
black - siyah
flaming - yanan
grief - keder
beautiful - güzel
goodbye - güle güle
alone - yalnız
begins - başlar
light - ışık
savage - vahşi
rolls - rulo
climb - tırmanış
would - olur
bright - parlak
everyone - Herkes
green - yeşil
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
jesus - isa
fireflies - ateşböcekleri
burning - yanan
golden - altın
leave - ayrılmak
night - gece
nowhere - hiçbir yerde
beside - yanında
promised - söz
hanging - asılı
smoke - duman
trees - ağaçlar
spiral - sarmal
blink - goz kirpmak
stars - yıldızlar
sunshine - gunes isigi
taking - alma
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