Once there was a day

We were together all the way

An endless path unbroken

But now there is a time

A torture less sublime

Our souls are locked and frozen

Let me go...

I tried but could not bring

The best of everything

Too breathless then to wonder

I died a thousand times

Found guilty of no crime

years - Yıl
wonder - merak etmek
times - zamanlar
thunder - gök gürültüsü
those - bu
there - Orada
survives - hayatta
sublime - yüce
nighttime - gece vakti
unbroken - kırılmamış
making - yapma
unspoken - söylenmemiş
locked - kilitli
endless - sonsuz
thoughts - düşünceler
fools - aptallar
could - could
alone - yalnız
change - değişiklik
lives - hayatları
daytime - gündüz
thousand - bin
broken - kırık
ahead - önde
breathless - начать изучение
souls - ruhlar
everything - her şey
never - asla
hopeless - umutsuz
torture - işkence
fantasies - fanteziler
bring - getirmek
facts - gerçekler
found - bulunan
crime - suç
frozen - dondurulmuş
together - Birlikte
goodbye - güle güle
guilty - suçlu
heart - kalp
tried - denenmiş
night - gece
heaven - cennet

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