When we got to Boston, we knew we'd missed a turn.

No one back in traffic school had

told us there are signs that can't be learned.

Geography's too stubborn and people are too clear,

so let's go find a road-side motel with a clerk who won't tell.

Days will turn into nights, nights will turn into days, weeks, seasons, and years.

We'll stay for years.

Red and white for blood cells, red and white for wine.

They could be the whole damn spectrum if

we'd all just let them. Lord, it's such a crime...

white - beyaz
weeks - haftalar
years - Yıl
learned - bilgili
guess - tahmin
cells - Hücreler
missed - cevapsız
debts - borçlar
atlases - atlaslar
signs - işaretler
traffic - trafik
crime - suç
people - insanlar
blood - kan
clawing - clawing
forget - unutmak
attendants - maiyet
station - istasyon
knows - bilir
floor - Zemin
boston - boston
everybody - Herkes
about - hakkında
whole - bütün
concern - ilgilendirmek
forge - oluşturmak
double - Çift
outside - dışında
kitchen - mutfak
stands - standları
clerk - kâtip
clear - açık
spectrum - spektrum
waistband - kemer
motel - motel
little - küçük
nights - gece
penthouse - çatı katı
passing - geçen
stubborn - inatçı
reason - neden
smidgen - smidgen
regrets - pişmanlıklar
slowly - yavaşça
strip - şerit
working - çalışma
could - could
seasons - mevsimler
school - okul
there - Orada
wasteland - boş arazi

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