The storm blows around

This harbour town

I listen to its wind as a choir

The shipping forecast

Is crackling

Like wet wood upon a fire

And time slows and slips away

The tourists come around in May

'Till August when the clouds roll in

The pier cracks, the awnings fade

The Ferris wheel spins slowly in the rain,

The day is gone.

years - Yıl
wheel - tekerlek
weather - hava
through - vasitasiyla
these - bunlar
storm - fırtına
slows - yavaşlatır
slowly - yavaşça
slips - slipleri
forecast - tahmin
choir - koro
fortune - servet
blows - darbeler
blossoming - épanouissement
spins - spin
clouds - bulutlar
crackling - çatırdama
break - kırılma
august - ağustos
tourists - Turistler
shipping - nakliye
circle - daire
around - etrafında
awnings - tente
cracks - çatlaklar
ferris - Dönme
following - takip etme
harbour - liman
hours - saatler
myself - kendim
under - altında
going - gidiş
listen - dinlemek
shadows - gölgeler

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