I've got seven ways of going, seven wheres to be,

seven sweet disguises, seven ways of serving Thee.

Lord, I do extol Thee, for Thou has lifted me.

Woke me up and shook me out of mine iniquity.

Oh, I was undulating in the lewd impostered night.

Steeped in a dream to rend the seams to redeem the rock of right.

Swept through the seas of Galilee and the Seven Hills of Rome.

Seven sins were wrung from the sight of me,

without - olmadan
undulating - dalgalanan
turned - dönük
through - vasitasiyla
sweet - tatlı
swarm - sürü
toward - karşı
steeped - batmış
taking - alma
slate - arduvaz
seizures - nöbetler
seeking - arayan
sight - görme
iniquity - kötülük
shook - salladı
hills - tepeler
declare - bildirmek
redeem - kurtarmak
speculate - spekülasyon yapmak
going - gidiş
levels - seviyeleri
extol - övmek
serving - servis
exception - istisna
loosened - gevşeyen
saint - aziz
dream - rüya
lifted - kaldırdı
number - numara
disguises - maskeler
seven - yedi
light - ışık
wrung - sıkılmış bir
eighth - Sekizinci
moves - hamle
opened - açıldı
swept - süpürüldü
night - gece
everlasting - ölümsüz
right - Sağ
seams - dikişler

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