No matter where you go I'll be there
No matter where you hide I'll find you
I'll be there looking through the window watching everything you do
There's no escaping me
I'll be like your worst enemy
I'm right behind you every place you run to I'll be there with you
COs being without you is driving me crazy
Oh I just don't know what to do
Yes being without you is driving me crazy
COs all I want is you ….
And I like it
If all the world's a stage and we are,
We're only just two crazy players
Please understand why I just can't go on without you anymore
There's no escaping me
I want you back, can't you see
I'm losing all control and cannot guarantee my sanity
without - olmadan
while - süre
watching - seyretme
truth - hakikat
thoughts - düşünceler
there - Orada
through - vasitasiyla
stage - evre
running - koşu
right - Sağ
where - nerede
players - oyuncu
place - yer
control - kontrol
being - olmak
worst - en kötü
cannot - yapamam
window - pencere
before - önce
guarantee - garanti
consequences - sonuçları
understand - anlama
behind - arkasında
pulse - nabız
please - lütfen
driving - sürme
making - yapma
darkest - en karanlık
crazy - çılgın
enemy - düşman
sanity - akıl sağlığı
escaping - kaçan
everything - her şey
guide - kılavuz
sleep - uyku
share - pay
anymore - Artık
every - proszę uważać
speak - konuşmak
matter - madde
conscience - vicdan
going - gidiş
inside - içeride
losing - kaybetme
looking - seyir
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