There's no forgiveness

There's just your bitter end

All the demons they come crashing in

All your nightmares come true

The devil waits with open arms

Pulling down the trigger one last time

And I'm running through the night

The protected afterlife

My soul refused to let me go

Straight out of the dark

Returning to win, the original sin

world - Dünya
trigger - tetik
through - vasitasiyla
sight - görme
salvation - kurtuluş
running - koşu
revenge - intikam
refused - reddetti
redemption - ödeme
pulling - çeken
devil - şeytan
distant - uzak
follow - takip et
under - altında
black - siyah
waits - bekler
waiting - bekleme
coming - gelecek
alive - canlı
death - ölüm
other - diğer
bitter - acı
crashing - kilitlenen
again - Tekrar
exile - sürgün
straight - düz
forgiveness - af
ghost - hayalet
afterlife - öbür dünya
light - ışık
mirror - ayna
returning - dönen
original - orijinal
protected - korumalı
night - gece
demons - iblisler
nightmares - kabuslar

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