Another nightmare is coming true

Taking possession out of the blue

There's a cyclone in my head

It's never ending - keeps coming back

Just can't control this monster

I'm under attack

Raving mad

Two souls alas are dwelling in my breast

Raving mad

I'm such a mess - to fail this acid test

under - altında
taking - alma
souls - ruhlar
skewed - eğri
doctor - doktor
addled - cılk
cyclone - siklon
coming - gelecek
possession - mülk
control - kontrol
vision - vizyon
breast - meme
simply - basitçe
brain - Beyin
schizophrenic - şizofrenik
another - bir diğeri
dwelling - konut
blurred - bulanık
dystopian - distopik
keeps - tutar
never - asla
screwed - berbat
ending - bitirme
attack - saldırı
house - ev
raving - çılgın
pictures - resimler
monster - canavar
nightmare - kâbus

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