You said to me why can’t you stay no more
You wish that I could finally change my mind
I thought that you wasted all your time in a thousand wrong ways
But now I slowly understand that I never gonna make it
Too far away
Why didn’t I take my chances
I see the love I hade is washed away
wrong - Yanlış
finally - en sonunda
forever - sonsuza dek
every - proszę uważać
wasted - boşa
emptiness - boşluk
thousand - bin
cause - sebeb olmak
would - olur
understand - anlama
gonna - olacak
doorstep - eşik
change - değişiklik
never - asla
chances - şansı
could - could
heart - kalp
remain - kalmak
slowly - yavaşça
smile - gülümseme
standing - ayakta
though - gerçi
thought - düşünce
washed - yıkandı
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