When he saw her getting of the bus

It seemed to wipe away the years

Her face was older, just a little rough

But her eyes were still so clear

He drank his coffee and he hurried out

Across before she walked away

Then he approached her like a little child

Too scared for what he had to say

"Hello, Louise,

Remember me?

Now should we part

Or stay awhile?

As if we were still lovers"

She took a moment just to recognise the man she'd known so well before

And as he started to apologise

wounds - yaralar
would - olur
wanna - istiyorum
understood - anladım
truly - gerçekten
though - gerçi
known - bilinen
hello - merhaba
gently - nazikçe
found - bulunan
getting - alma
smile - gülümseme
walked - yürüdü
floor - Zemin
always - Her zaman
apologise - özür dilemek
talked - konuştuk
finger - parmak
before - önce
across - karşısında
clear - açık
years - Yıl
lovers - aşıklar
heals - iyileştirir
drank - içti
still - yine
standing - ayakta
again - Tekrar
coffee - Kahve
awhile - bir süre
little - küçük
embraced - kucakladı
hurried - acele
waved - dalgalı
started - başladı
child - çocuk
never - asla
louise - louise
memories - hatıralar
lover - sevgili
meeting - toplantı
moment - an
bitterness - acılık
older - daha eski
scared - korkmuş
really - gerçekten mi
remember - hatırlamak
recognise - tanımak
seemed - gibiydi
there - Orada
approached - yaklaştı
rough - kaba
should - meli
something - bir şey
suitcase - bavul

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