“Since man cannot live without miracles, he will provide himself with the miracles of his own making. He
will believe in any kind of deity eventhough he may otherwise be a heretic, an atheist, and a rebel” -
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
in the age of hell
in the age of fire
in the name of God
in the holy empire
Burn the witch in pyre.
in the name of God
in the name of fire
yourself - kendin
without - olmadan
witch - cadı
twain - iki parça
world - Dünya
since - dan beri
shreds - döküntüleri
their - onların
saints - azizler
provide - sağlamak
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
miracles - mucizeler
warmth - sıcaklık
drown - boğmak
dostoyevsky - dostoyevsky
shell - Kabuk
believe - inanmak
wounded - yaralı
heretic - kâfir
thunder - gök gürültüsü
power - Güç
desire - arzu etmek
shrieks - feryatlar
atheist - ateist
deity - tanrı
cannot - yapamam
death - ölüm
otherwise - aksi takdirde
bloody - kanlı
nietzsche - nietzsche
itself - kendisi
endless - sonsuz
empire - imparatorluk
flames - Alevler
impure - saf olmayan
bodies - bedenler
friedrich - friedrich
making - yapma
liars - yalancılar
greatest - en büyük
eventhough - buna rağmen
grace - zarafet
rebel - asi
himself - kendisi
inquires - sorgulamalarla
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