The north wind blows bringing this summer to an end
It's been the longest one by memories of men
Some say a grim omen of long winter to come
I say a welcome to its unforgotten song
A man in black comes fleeing from the northern Wall
I bring my sword down and I see his head fall
My son and bastard race off toward the castle
But on the way they find a corpse in the snow
A rotting bitch with bloody neck wound
Six direwolves came from her womb
Three to my sons, two for my daughters
One white as snow left to the bastard
Winter comes hailing troubled times for the future of our world
We'll stand and endure the cold 'til the summer comes again
wound - yara
would - olur
winter - kış
white - beyaz
waves - dalgalar
truth - hakikat
troubled - sıkıntılı
three - üç
though - gerçi
taken - alınmış
summer - Yaz
strong - Güçlü
stead - başkasının yeri
should - meli
secret - gizli
right - Sağ
rides - sürmek
riddle - bilmece
refuse - çöp
times - zamanlar
power - Güç
place - yer
robert - robert
castle - kale
tortured - işkence
friend - arkadaş
crowned - taç giymiş
words - kelimeler
dishonor - onursuzluk
death - ölüm
stand - durmak
breath - nefes
myself - kendim
blows - darbeler
bloody - kanlı
kneel - diz çökmek
antler - boynuz
sword - kılıç
dread - dehşet
banner - afiş
agree - anlaşmak
longest - en uzun
arrives - geldiğinde
northern - kuzey
again - Tekrar
bitch - orospu
daughters - kız çocukları
direwolf - direwolf
could - could
sealed - mühürlü
bringing - getiren
beneath - altında
comes - geliyor
buried - gömülü
field - alan
bastard - piç
rotting - çürüyen
golden - altın
answer - cevap
thrones - tahtlar
black - siyah
think - düşünmek
direwolves - direwolves
where - nerede
endure - katlanmak
bring - getirmek
family - Aile
fealty - sadakat
target - Hedef
final - nihai
fleeing - kaçan
corpse - Ceset
caught - yakalandı
hailing - selamlama
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
future - gelecek
happens - olur
toward - karşı
leave - ayrılmak
memories - hatıralar
world - Dünya
north - kuzeyinde
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