Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

Jack Frost nipping at your nose

Yuletide carols being sung by a choir

And folks dressed up like Eskimos

Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe, mm-mm

Helps to make the seasons bright

Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow

Will find it hard to sleep tonight

They know that, Santa's on his way

yuletide - Noel yortusu
sleigh - atlı kızak
reindeer - ren geyiği
really - gerçekten mi
phrase - ifade
tonight - Bu gece
offering - teklif
nipping - ısırıcı
ninety - doksan
dressed - giyinmiş
christmas - noel
child - çocuk
merry - şen
aglow - kıpkırmızı
mistletoe - ökseotu
their - onların
being - olmak
chestnuts - kestane
choir - koro
although - olmasına rağmen
seasons - mevsimler
carols - şarkıları
turkey - Türkiye
simple - Basit
knows - bilir
bright - parlak
eskimos - eskimolar
sleep - uyku
roasting - kavurma
every - proszę uważać
everybody - Herkes
goodies - şekerleme
folks - arkadaşlar
gonna - olacak
times - zamanlar
frost - don
helps - yardım eder
loaded - yüklü

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