The time has come, the Walrus said

To talk of many things

Of ships and shoes and sealing wax

Of cabbages and kings

Life a the greatest gift given to humanity

Surround yourself with a lot a positive energy

Yuh caan buy it even if yuh have wull heap a money

A das why we spread love ina the community

Yuh coulda be small man or a celebrity

Yuh coulda live uptown or di ina city

Wi need a world full peace and serenity

Sting come sing out fi everybody

The time has come, as Shaggy said

To talk of many things

Of ships and shoes and sealing wax

Of cabbages and kings

The planets turn in retrograde

The moon seems to have fled

The world is spinning upside down

And landed on its head

Just one lifetime

And there's only one, yes there's only one

Just one life to live

Assuming that we'll make it

We've no choice but to take it

I'm with you, the Walrus said

walrus - mors
uptown - şehrin yukarısına
upside - üst taraf
together - Birlikte
thought - düşünce
these - bunlar
things - eşyalar
spread - yayilmiş
spinning - döndürme
shoes - ayakkabı
unite - birleştirmek
ships - gemiler
seems - görünüyor
sealing - mühürleme
rules - kurallar
shaggy - kaba tüylü
rough - kaba
retrograde - gerici
gently - nazikçe
weather - hava
friend - arkadaş
reckoning - hesaplaşma
signs - işaretler
replace - değiştirmek
fight - kavga
sting - acı
everybody - Herkes
cigarette - sigara
engine - motor
going - gidiş
generation - nesil
trend - akım
heavy - ağır
enemy - düşman
empty - Boş
where - nerede
landed - indi
filled - dolu
serenity - huzur
dress - elbise
celebrity - şöhret
unleaded - kurşunsuz
cabbages - lahanalar
community - toplum
choice - seçim
headed - başlı
claimed - talep
enough - yeterli
surround - kuşatma
coulda - arayıp
assuming - varsayarak
negativity - olumsuzluk
peace - barış
ahead - önde
lifetime - ömür
message - mesaj
given - verilmiş
greatest - en büyük
towns - kasabalar
right - Sağ
humanity - insanlık
yourself - kendin
roads - yollar
passed - geçti
knowing - bilme
coming - gelecek
humming - uğultu
energy - enerji
leaders - Liderler
smoked - füme
small - küçük
kings - krallar
longer - uzun
world - Dünya
north - kuzeyinde
packed - paketlenmiş
planets - gezegenler
money - para
positive - pozitif

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