I spent the end of last October crying on your shoulder.
I'll just never win.
We're going through this,
I'm not even there. I'm never there.
My mind, it could use a little peace and quiet.
My soul wouldn't mind a warm place to hide.
My ears are red and sore from always standing in the snow.
My lungs need air. I spent it on all the "thanks yous" and "goodbyes."
through - vasitasiyla
things - eşyalar
there - Orada
thanks - teşekkürler
standing - ayakta
shoulder - omuz
shaking - sallama
scared - korkmuş
quiet - sessiz
place - yer
peace - barış
clawing - clawing
before - önce
going - gidiş
goodbyes - vedalar
breaking - kırma
crying - ağlayan
tongue - dil
ashamed - utanmış
losing - kaybetme
against - karşısında
always - Her zaman
anymore - Artık
tired - yorgun
spent - harcanmış
bleeding - kanama
anything - her şey
bones - kemikler
deserve - hak etmek
hands - eller
could - could
little - küçük
october - Ekim
helpless - çaresiz
lungs - akciğer
never - asla
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