There's a place we can find with no direction

Every choice is stitched in the pattern we sew in time

From the start to the end, we define between

In the nothing, there is something we can never see

There's a place we can go if you just stay close to me

Stay until the last goodbye

Until our hearts stop burning

And the world stops turning 'round

Stay for all the reasons why

waking - uyanık
world - Dünya
turning - döndürme
through - vasitasiyla
there - Orada
every - proszę uważać
direction - yön
until - a kadar
destination - hedef
goodbye - güle güle
stitched - dikişli
starts - başlar
between - arasında
matter - madde
something - bir şey
provide - sağlamak
stops - durak
start - başlama
close - kapat
dream - rüya
define - tanımlamak
searching - arama
means - anlamına geliyor
burning - yanan
heart - kalp
death - ölüm
hearts - kalpler
never - asla
leads - potansiyel müşteriler
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
pattern - model
place - yer
choice - seçim
reasons - nedenleri

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