presenting modern moonlight just as advertised
coke and pepsi finally found a compromise
how can they complain that we’re all fucked up kids
when they keep on changing who our mother is?
(like it all you want it’s fruitless
night is in the way of progress)
retinas are bleeding for the enterprise
surgically wired into paradise
yesterday I dropped in on the MKB
everyone was messaging like it was going out of style
it was just the cynic in me
god, I love communicating!
walker - yürüteç
useless - yararsız
yesterday - Dün
tightrope - ip
surgically - cerrahi olarak
style - stil
spread - yayilmiş
shock - şok
world - Dünya
sense - duyu
progress - ilerleme
presenting - takdim
pepsi - pepsi
everyone - Herkes
found - bulunan
spoil - yağma
cords - kabloları
fight - kavga
murder - cinayet
compromise - taviz
modern - modern
complain - şikayet
retinas - retinaları
enterprise - kuruluş
girls - kızlar
bidder - teklifçi
cables - kablolar
everybody - Herkes
fruitless - sonuçsuz
around - etrafında
finally - en sonunda
everything - her şey
every - proszę uważać
nasty - pis
moonlight - ay ışığı
absolutely - kesinlikle
forced - zorunlu
brace - bağ
cities - şehirler
equipment - ekipman
murders - Cinayetler
yourself - kendin
changing - değiştirme
communicating - iletişim
missing - Eksik
fucked - becerdin
cynic - kinik
going - gidiş
wired - telli
gonna - olacak
dropped - düştü
miracles - mucizeler
stripped - sıyrılmıştır
highest - En yüksek
living - yaşam
magnificence - görkem
bleeding - kanama
making - yapma
advertised - reklamı
messaging - mesajlaşma
paradise - cennet
merger - birleşme
paper - kâğıt
cutters - kesiciler
mother - anne
night - gece
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