I'm counting back

The number of the steps

It took for me to get

Back on the wagon of the weekend

I'll use the autotimer to prove that

I'll get home with my imagination

If they find the body in the basement

"in the very house that she was raised in!"

I'm taking down

The number of the Times

So when we get the sign

From god I'll be the first to call them

I'm taking back the number of the beast

wagon - yük vagonu
trying - çalışıyor
steps - adımlar
stare - bakıyorum
wasted - boşa
should - meli
shots - çekim
pretty - güzel
noble - asil
never - asla
nature - doğa
natural - doğal
would - olur
waking - uyanık
better - Daha iyi
times - zamanlar
behavior - davranış
basement - bodrum kat
letter - mektup
alcoholic - alkollü
mother - anne
hatred - kin
beside - yanında
weekend - hafta sonu
counting - sayma
beast - canavar
address - adres
taking - alma
prove - kanıtlamak
first - ilk
season - sezon
occupation - meslek
house - ev
ashamed - utanmış
cause - sebeb olmak
choose - seçmek
friends - arkadaşlar
raised - kalkık
cupboard - dolap
against - karşısında
definitely - Kesinlikle
holding - tutma
number - numara
imagination - hayal gücü
falling - düşen
least - en az

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