Here we are soldiers of fortune and glory

Saw the earth breaking in two

Wondering what could we get from this half life

Will we damn the days we set in our way?

Our souls of unbelievers

Will call the rage of Christ

Disturb survivors' sleep

And the desert world will cry.

wondering - merak ediyor
walking - yürüme
waiting - bekleme
unholy - dine aykırı
souls - ruhlar
mouth - ağız
fortune - servet
preached - vaaz
could - could
survivors - Hayatta kalanlar
breaking - kırma
secrets - sırlar
district - ilçe
disturb - bozmak
christ - i̇sa
where - nerede
earth - toprak
shout - bağırmak
world - Dünya
comfort - konfor
entire - Tüm
praying - dua eden
glory - şan
orphans - kimsesiz çocuklar
common - Ortak
prevent - önlemek
sewing - Dikiş
unbelievers - kâfirler
desert - çöl
sleep - uyku
soldiers - Askerler

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